Friday, July 26, 2019

My Time at the Mall

My Time at the Mall

Me and my Mum went to the New Toy Story 4  movie at
St Lukes Shopping Mall. I loved Toy Story 4. We got some
popcorn, M&M’s and a Coke. The movie was 1hour and 30
minutes long. We went to get Sushi and drinks at
Starbucks. It was good. While I watched Toy Story 4 the
character Gabby Gabby was so weird she took Woody’s
voice box. The rest of the movie was funny. Bunny and
Duckling were so funny. At the movies the movie theatre
was full with lots of people .

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Friday, July 5, 2019


The seven stars of Matariki can be seen by the naked eye in the night sky.

The names of the seven stars are
  • Alcyone – Matariki, eyes of Tāwhirimātea
  • Atlas – Tupu-ā-rangi, sky tohunga
  • Electra – Waipuna-ā-rangi, sky spring
  • Taygeta – Waitī, sweet water
  • Pleione – Tupu-ā-nuku, Earth tohunga
  • Merope – Ururangi, entry to the heavens
  • Maia – Waitā, sprinkle of water

Killed birds were often stored in their own fat as there were no refrigerators and
freezers in the past.
It is said that if the stars of Matariki are dull and hazy when it is cold. 
When there are a lot of bright stars in the sky and the sky is clear it is a
good time to grow crops.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Enlargement Super Hero Reflection

Enlargement Super Hero Art

What did you accomplish?
I accomplished creating Wonder Woman by following the grid lines and making accurate

Are you satisfied with your Super Hero enlargement? Why / Why not?
Yes I am satisfied with my Wonder Woman picture because I like the face.

What did you find easy when you created your Super Hero enlargement?
I found painting easy.   

What did you find challenging when you were creating your Super Hero enlargement?
Drawing the waist 

What do you need to work on?
Not using a rubber 

What would you change with your Super Hero enlargement? 
I would change the body because it looks like a zigzag

What would you do next time to improve your superhero enlargement?
I would improve by making the arms real and the head bigger 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My Teddy Bear

I love my teddy bear he is a very fluffy bear. My Dad gave him to me when I was one. He is a special teddy bear and I call him Teddy Bear. My teddy bear was a present to me. He is a creamy brown colour. I love my teddy bear. I take him with me , when I fly  down to Christchurch. 
He sits on the little table with a blanket and a pillow.